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Daily life technology Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash
25 February, 2022: By Ajoy Maitra

Modern lives are inspired by the use of technology and are more dependant on it's ease. Unacceptance of automation or modern technologies would scathe your personal as well as community growth.

Interaction and communication has changed it's verse to an extent of unavoidable practicability. From education to workplace modifications, a new benchmark has already been set forth for the coming years as technology continues to evolve in our daily lives. As suggested in the McKinsey report on the future of connectivity,

Far-greater network availability and capability will drive broad shifts in the business landscape, from the digitization of manufacturing (through wireless control of mobile tools, machines and robots) to decentralized energy delivery and remote patient monitoring.

In our daily lives, artificial intelligence and automation has taken forth to regularize it's acceptance, so much so that it has become a normal necessity. From mobile phones having enhanced features and voice automated applications to smartwatches which helps us to monitor our health and further ease out calling or listening to music, we enjoy being dominated with these daily lives technologies.

Technology in Decision Making and Problem Solving

Decision making by technology Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Application of technology in various fields has vitalized the growth across sectors. In our normal daily life, we are more inclined to the service driven technology which ensures to cater our instant requirements.

Making quick decisions to solve various problems we face, service technology is highly compatible in changing our normal lives to a tech driven manor.

As once said by Steve Jobs, giving an overview of technology,

Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.

Starting from what we like to wear to what we like to eat, people engages into utilizing the power of internet in their hands rather than going out to search such things in the market by themselves. Most importantly, technology assists in quick decision making and problem solving through advanced solutions available to ease out daily lives of people.

Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Unknowingly, most of us are now engaged into the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Everyday internet surfing and spending our time in social networking or in ecommerce, continuously feeds unstructured data to servers which are utilized in machine learning to enhance the user experience.

Daily lives are further eased out with the introduction of voice assistant enabled gadgets like smartwatches, speakers, smart plugs, smart televisions and many others. Artificial intelligence used in automation of tasks has enhanced our daily life so much so that it has now become indispensible.

Covid pandemic has speeded the adoption and transition of digital technologies through worldwide acknowledgment by consumers in search of alternatives. As per the report by McKinsey Global Survey,

McKinsey Global Survey report
During the pandemic, consumers have moved dramatically toward online channels, and companies and industries have responded in turn. The survey results confirm the rapid shift toward interacting with customers through digital channels.

Global digital adoption acceleration by consumers marks by 3 years, Asia-Pacific adoption by 4 years and by 3 years in Europe and North America.